排名 & 赞誉
在澳门金沙网赌登陆的, we are skeptical of college rankings. 我们相信 核心特征 of a liberal arts education is the rigorous intellectual exchange between full-time faculty 和 students in small classes discussing time-tested books. 我们相信 目的 of a liberal arts education is to help you build the life you want, including a meaningful career. 很少有排名衡量这些价值. The place to start when choosing a college is to define 你的 值. 什么对你最重要?
Students seeking a liberal arts education want to be challenged. They want to learn from devoted full-time faculty, 跨学科学习, 理解知识是如何联系在一起的, 和 explore how to build a meaningful life. What they do not want are large lecture classes, tests that only measure their capacity to memorize, or narrow majors that feed into discrete job pipelines that may well prove unsatisfying. Most rankings fail to measure these 值, but we have selected a few to help you know if St. 约翰的正适合你。
Some rankings are run by for-profit companies that do not underst和 or value what we do at St. 约翰的. 例如, U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 College 排名 do not measure essential characteristics that matter to students who value authentic learning—even though they often collect the data that would help them do so. Some of the rankings mentioned above come from U.S. 新闻 data that they exclude from their overall rankings.
- Small discussion-based classes are essential to deep learning. U.S. 新闻 does not include class size in their official rankings, although they have the data to do so. 如上所示,如果 U.S. 新闻 did include small class sizes in their overall rankings, St. 约翰的会在最上面.
- St. 约翰的 is deliberately small, with fewer than 500 students on each campus. Our size is one of the reasons many students prosper here, 和 yet rankings from the 纽约时报 和 《澳门金沙网赌登陆》 甚至不包括澳门金沙网赌登陆的—or any other very small college—as though smallness is a weakness rather than the great strength that it is.
- We spend our money on keeping class sizes small 和 hiring full-time faculty, 而不是资助精英运动, 昂贵的演出中心, 和 fancy dining halls through inexpensive educational options such as large lecture classes 和 adjunct instructors. 而 U.S. 新闻 ranks colleges based on how much they spend, the spending could be on anything.
- 我们的课程要求很高。. You will learn a great deal here, including how to be a disciplined 和 resourceful lifelong learner. 大多数排名机构,包括 U.S. 新闻, do not measure what students actually learn, or even whether they learn much at all. 事实上, U.S. 新闻 定期命名St. 约翰的 as among the best colleges for “undergraduate teaching” 和 then fails to include that essential characteristic in their overall rankings.
- 在澳门金沙网赌登陆的 we resist the notion that the only 目的 of college is to prepare you for a specific career. 事实上, we believe that college should give you the problem-solving 和 critical-thinking skills that prepare you for many careers, 以及研究生院, knowing that you are likely to change careers many times 和 may well work in a job that does not even exist today. Most ranking agencies care only about how much money you make 你的 first years out of college.
St. 约翰大学不是一所传统的大学. 我们是彻头彻尾的逆向投资者. 我们重视为学习而学习. We believe that students should be challenged to explore different ways of looking at the world 和 different ways of thinking.
We believe distilling college to the base metrics used by U.S. 新闻 和 other rankings does a disservice to students who are seeking an education that will prepare them for life 和 not just for their first job out of college.
Your life’s work should come from something deep 和 目的ful within you, 和 this college is here to help you uncover it.
“St. 约翰的, with its famously dem和ing curriculum, hovers like a high-achieving angel over the l和scape of American higher education.”
“What’s the highest calling of higher education? St. 约翰的 College has some enduring answers.”
弗兰克·布鲁尼, 纽约时报
“应该有100个St. 约翰.”
“A school for the intellectual explorer.”
“The most forward-thinking, future-proof college in America.”
布鲁克斯的节日, 纽约时报
“A curriculum that would make Socrates proud.”
“A school for self-directed intellectuals.”
“With great professors 和 distinguished alumni, who could ask for more?”
“Johnnies drop words such as ‘truth’ 和 ‘virtue’ in casual conversation.”
St. 约翰的 College is proud to be included in 改变人生的大学, a book written by Loren Pope 和 first published in 1996. The list of 40 schools features distinct institutions of higher learning that offer an alternative to traditional university education.